

Home for a week, might be my last time with my dog. She cant walk so good anymore. She shakes and is deaf now, no more jumping on beds. Its torn ligaments in her back leg causing her pain. Too old for surgery, so its just a matter of deciding when shes in too much pain.  Here's the day we rescued Kelly. I saw her first, and I knew. I'm really proud of this kickflip  I wish I could get them more consistently or rolling, but I'll take each one I can get. I didnt get much other clips I'm proud of. Lot 11 was perfect for reverts and power slides but I didn't get any on camera, just a couple laybacks that honestly look kinda dumb. Rewatched all of snoopbloggieblog on IG for future inspo. I'll try not to edit here much. Another time suck that's mostly for others. Maybe some progress videos, but not much else is worth it.
 This is a test for me. I spend an average of 7 hours a day on my smartphone these days. The content has shifted and changed through the years, but the intake has shot up and up. I've always been a personal writer-- I've got nearly 7 years' worth of journals as evidence. But what if I can do the things I like about social media (because I genuinely do enjoy having an archive of my life) without the noise?  As of the last couple of months, I love having an archive of my skating progress, maybe I can do that for here instead of Instagram. I miss geology, and the things it brought to my life. I'd like a place to discuss urban planning as I enter my master's program without the dread of posting sincerely. Lamenting the destruction of our generation through social media is boring. We all know it and also, who cares? I hate being sincere online, mostly because watching other people display their private traumas and interpersonal conflicts is nauseating and also dreary.  F